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The Student News Site of Alief Kerr High School


The Student News Site of Alief Kerr High School


All content by Khoa Nguyen
Food Frenzy Comes and Serves

Food Frenzy Comes and Serves

Written by Khoa Nguyen
February 22, 2023
There were employment offers for the summer on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, and one of those job offers was for a part-time life guard position. Bella Le, a sophomore, believes she doesn't meet the requirements even if she is interested in working over the summer. “I’m quite interested in the summer job or working in general because it’s a good way to spend summer and earn money at the same time,” said Le. “But sadly I don’t think I can do the job since I’m 15.”

In Search Of Summer Jobs

Written by Khoa Nguyen
February 13, 2023
POSSIBLY UPGRADING Juniors and sophomores had the option to take a seminar for dual credit from Monday, January 29, to Tuesday, January 30, 2023. In which they discovered the drawbacks and benefits of enrolling in a dual credit course as well as its prerequisites and exclusions. Rebekah Draper, a sophomore student, considers pursuing dual credit classes to avoid the time-consuming coursework of AP classes, despite the fact that it may seem frightening and unquestionably simple. "I'm considering taking dual credit since I see it is as a chance to save money and earn broth college and high school credit, while having the bonus of it being online," Draper said.

Understanding Dual Credit

Written by Khoa Nguyen
February 3, 2023
Sarah Tahtouh is a sophomore at Kerr High School.  She is the historian and one of the founding officers of Kerr Desi Club, along with Meerab Arif. She is currently one of the main characters in Cadre's new show, "Orange," which involves the desi culture.

[Photo] 10 Questions With Sarah Tahtouh

Written by Meerab Arif, Designer
January 26, 2023
Quite Elementary, On Wednesday, January 18, 2023, Kerr Pals member junior Jennifer Nguyen and sophomore Manar Al-Gburi volunteer to help a kindergarten class. And while nervous at first, after students started reaching out for help, Nguyen was excited to be able help and came right away. Assisting the student reminded her why she liked to be in Kerr Pals so much. “ A student called me President Jefferson instead of my name, which was pretty funny,” Nguyen said.

Volunteering For Kerr Pals

Written by Khoa Nguyen
January 20, 2023
HARSH OR FAULTY PLAY On Wednesday, November 16, 2022, Kerr had recently suffered a flag football loss to AECHS. Even though they led at the half, they ultimately fell short by 5 points, losing by a score of 23 to 28. Since Kerr had the advantage and the referee kept extending time until AECHS scored a touchdown, many people thought that the game itself was flawed. "It was frustrating to see AECHS win since they kept adding time until they scored a touchdown," said Agha Mizra.

Kerr loses to AECHS

Written by Khoa Nguyen
November 30, 2022
CRAZED FOR FOOD After the event of Food Frenzy, on Monday, October 31, 2022, Iqra Naveed10 sold donuts and coffee left and right with her other class officers. While the amount is disclosed, the sophomore class has made tons of profit and business, having sold out completely in their stocks. With quite a lot of moments before her prom, Naveed believes that at this pace they will be able to make more money in the future and make everything from their senior prom to future events similar to this and be able to hold field trips. "Our long-term goal for the Class of 2025, and high school in general, is to be able to make memorable memories and make our class one big family," said Naveed.

10 Question with Iqra Naveed

Written by Khoa Nguyen
November 9, 2022
Photo shows a student raising his arm to throw a football.

Football Makes Contact

Written by Khoa Nguyen
October 26, 2022
Sophomores Prepare for Homecoming

Sophomores Prepare for Homecoming

Written by Khoa Nguyen
September 28, 2022
Tom Lam is a class sponsor for the sophomores

Sophomore Class Making Plans

Written by Khoa Nguyen
August 31, 2022
Students for Humanity Planning Future

Students for Humanity Planning Future

Written by Khoa Nguyen, Yearbook – Content
August 24, 2022
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