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The Student News Site of Alief Kerr High School


The Student News Site of Alief Kerr High School


The Student News Site of Alief Kerr High School


All content by Manar Al-Gburi
Last Piece Of Advice: Mentees and Mentors huddle together one last time before the school year ends. Mentors and Counselor Jacob Lazarou share as much advice as they can, answering all questions from mentees about school work, teachers, and courses. "Thank you mentors for all that you do," Lazarou said.

NTLB Shares Advice

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
March 27, 2025
A Tourist At Home: Meerab Arif takes photos of Franzi Desai, Iqra Naveed, Sarah Tahtouh, and Tanisha Patel. They dressed up as tourists for 'Dress Up As A Tourist' Tuesday. "It's fun dressing up, so I'm trying to do it throughout the week," Arif said.

Desi Club Hosts Dress Up Week

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
February 19, 2025
Junior Megan Ngo works on Algebra 2 PAK.

Gearing Up For UIL

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
February 19, 2025

Shifting the Blueprint

Written by Manar Al-Gburi and Jenny Nguyen
February 19, 2025
Heart In Hand: Jenny Tran, Jessica Nguyen, and Kamie Le make heart crystals. The hearts were made out of borax and members were allowed to keep them if they wanted to. "Making the crystals felt like I was back in elementary doing simple experiments," Le said.

SNHS Hosts General Meeting

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
February 12, 2025
Connecting With Younger Generation: Senior Jenny Nguyen cuts prints outs for zipline activity. She is in charge of the tower building station, where cups and popsicle sticks are given to students to build the towers. "It was fun seeing how the kids were competing to build the tallest tower," Nguyen said.

NHS Volunteers at STEM Night

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
February 10, 2025
Hard At Work: Ashley Chavez and Katelyn Tieu sort through donated boxes. They scanned the donated goods to see if they were okay to keep, trash, or put in different categories. "It was a lot of work," Tieu said.

SFH Goes To Houston Food Bank

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
February 10, 2025
Unexpected Changes: President Manar Al-Gburi posts on Schoology about general meeting cancelation. She explains Field trip details. "There was only one officer available for this meeting because there was too much going on, especially with the NHS induction and the NHS meeting," Vice President Jenny Nguyen said.

SFH Cancels General Meeting

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
February 5, 2025
Welcomed With Open Arms: Treasurer Beyonce Vallecillo and Secretary Rebecca Oyeniyi pin Junior David Tran. Oyeniyi hands Tran his acceptance envelope while Vallecillo pins him with the club's colored ribbons. "It was kind of awkward," Oyeniyi said.

NHS Pins New Members

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
January 31, 2025
Listen Up: Guest Speaker Namra Hafeez informs MSA students about MIST. She goes over what to expect and how to prepare for the event. “I’m excited to represent Kerr at this year’s tournament,” President Iqra Naveed said.

MSA Hosts MIST Meeting

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
December 12, 2024
Getting A Taste of Culture: Latinx Association sponsor, Karen Orta, prepares Birria ramen orders. She brought and arranged all the materials for students to enjoy. “Filling out the orders was hectic but fun at the same time,” said Orta.

Latinx Sells Birria Ramen

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
October 6, 2024

Catching Up With NTLB

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
March 25, 2024
Tying It Up: Actors Andrew Gonzales, Lance Hernandez, and Julie Ryan, fix gaps in their scenes. They are going over the parts they plan on adding their choreographed dance to, which they have previously skipped. Senior secretary and actress Julianna Irizarry said, “We have finally finished our dance, now we just need to add it to the scenes that it should’ve been in.”

Cadre Begins Filling In Gaps

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
September 27, 2023
Speed Running It: Director Ryan, Junior Camilla Haro, and Sophomore Georgio Tahtouh go over the blocking of a specific scene. They are trying to clarify the blocking of a scene Haro and Tahouh are featuring in before all cadre actors attempt a group dance. “In theatre, to know where we need to stand on the stage, we do this thing called blocking. However, in dire times, we have to speed run them when we need more clarification,” said Sophomore actor and technician Gerogio Tahtouh.

Cadre Busts Out Moves

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
September 14, 2023
Summer Cleaning Is On: UIL members tide up costume rooms, cleaning everything out. They are finishing everything up and getting ready for the summer, so all members who are free are helping out. Junior costume member Jackielou Bolanos said, “It’s kind of sad cleaning everything out, but it’s good that the summer is coming. Now, we can catch a break and focus on ourselves, so next year we come back replenished and full of new ideas.”

UIL Is Wrapping Up

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
May 18, 2023
Sweeping Instead Of Greeting: UIL sweeps each center, acting out skits of SNN, the play Smile Nd Nod. Right after the skit is finished, they brief the audience about when and where the actual performance will take place. Freshman actor Georgio Tahtouh said, "Smile Nd Nod is different from the other shows we did before because we get to incorporate ourselves into it. It really brings everyone together. There are so many jokes that everyone is able to understand."

UIL Wraps SNN Up

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
May 7, 2023
THE LAST CUT: UIL members rework specific scenes trying to perfect them for their district competition. The technicians are also helping the actors and watching the individual scenes to find minor imperfections the directors didn’t catch. Senior actor Chriss Doradea said, “In UIL, we are striving towards competition, and we push ourselves. We’re constantly working hard. During moments like these, we can gather as an ensemble and just have fun.”

UIL Goes To Competition

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
March 26, 2023
On A Crunch: Seniors actor Chriss Doradea and actress Kathy Nguyen work on their scenes altering them for their whole play to fit a 40-minute time limit. They further discuss the lazzis, comedic parts, they wish to add to their scenes. “Thanks to the suggestions we got, we are now able to improve things we forgot about or didn’t pay much attention to,” Chriss Doradea said.

UIL Returns From Clinic

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
February 25, 2023
Run Through For Review: Actors Masoud Said, Chriss Doradea, and Actress Ianna Walker go over their scenes together working out any minor holes. With only minor adjustments made, they progress through their review with ease. Chriss Doradea states, “We have our first clinic this upcoming Monday, and we are excited to show what we have so far.”

Cadre UIL Prepares For Clinic

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
February 15, 2023
Spreading Comforting Words: All UIL Cadre members sit in a circle getting ready to participate in the exchange of affirmation notecards. If a person wanted to read the affirmation notecard out loud that they had handwritten, they would stand in the middle of the circle, read their notecard, then gives it to the person they directed the words too. After this activity, Jason Quach stated, “I was feeling so humble and loved by all of the kind words that the students said to me and to each other with this exercise. It felt so good to see each student lift each other up and make those connections with each other.”

UIL Members Affirm Each Other

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
February 12, 2023
Ready Set Action: Cadre company members, freshman Karma Ryan and senior Sara Blaghi rehearse their parts from “Imaginary Invalid”. Despite the strain and multiple attempts made, Ryan and Blaghi were closer to the result they strived for in this audition rehearsal. Karma Ryan stated, “At first, I was very nervous about the auditions to the point where I was shaking. But as the auditions went on, I grew more confident and got feed back to better myself.”

UIL Members Take Over Cadre

Written by Manar Al-Gburi
January 26, 2023
Desi Club members in a line to get kababs.

[Photo] Desi Club Holds First Official Meeting

Written by Meerab Arif, Designer
September 30, 2022
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