Kerr Celebrates Cultural Appreciation Week


The post made by @kerrstuco on instagram. Desi Club and STUCO also held a Cultural Appreciation Week last year and thought the Multi-Cultural Dance show week would be a great time to do it again.

In the honor of the Multi-Cultural Dance Show, Kerr Desi Club has partnered up with Student Council (STUCO) and African Student Association (ASA) to host a Cultural Appreciation Week. The dress-up days will be happening from Tuesday, February 21 to Friday, February 24th. On Tuesday, it’s “Wear Your True Colors” day where you show up to school in the colors of your country flag. On Wednesday, it’s “As A Team” day where you represent your country’s most played/valued sport by wearing their sports jersey. On Thursday, it’s the dance show so everyone is encouraged to wear their cultural attire. The week will be ended off by everyone representing Kerr Culture by wearing purple. This week will allow us to show Kerr’s Diversity and educate our peers.