Counselors Have Busy Week


This is a photo of Assistant Principal Sara Tones holding an Administrator of the Year award at the CREST awards. “Proud to be a part of a district that puts the mental health of our students at the forefront of our work. It was an honor to be recognized for counseling advocacy by the Texas School Counseling Association,” Tones stated.

This week, the Counselors were awarded the CREST award by the Texas Counseling Association which was why they were off campus on February 14 and 15. Counselor Denae Aquil and Mary Meadows are continuing their scheduled Junior Conferences. Counselor Laura Tully is administering TELPAS testing as well as preparing for the SAT Day in March. Guidance counselor Jacob Lazarou is preparing for an NTLB all mentor meeting on the 22nd and the Houston Rockets ‘Money Counts’ presentation sponsored by the Houston Rockets.