Cadre Kerr Begins Weeks of Practice


Saw It Out – The new set crew, Kelly Tran teaches another member how to use the saw. Camila Haro, even though not in set crew, she still wants to get the skills under her belt. “It is not my first year in Cadre, but I want to learn as much as possible, before I get out of high school.”

The first show to kick off the new school year started on August 19. Even though it is only the first week, the crews and actors are working hard to make the show happen in October. The late bus situation is also not making things easier, with the students going home at 4:50 every day. The effect of this is that each student is required to take a day off, causing a hindrance in production. However, there are more anticipated bumps along the road, as this will not be a flawless performance.