As his senior year begins, Alan H. and fellow members of band Oncoming Traffic continue to dominate the music scene with their funk rock rhythm. The band is still working on getting their name out there more and pushing to book any possible shows. Although Oncoming Traffic is still a priority for all the band members, it is a bit difficult for them to continuously perform because their guitarist Freddy T. attends the University of North Texas at Denton.
“We’re still alive and well, we just won’t be active for a little while,” Alan said.
Three of the band members have decided to start a new band, The Bermuda Triangle of Exploding Snails, in their spare time, where they perform with a bit of a different style. Also, there will be changes in who does what. Alan will be doing vocals/guitar, Christopher G. will be doing vocals/bass, and Michael L. will be drumming/comic relief.
“We formed this new band to essentially keep ourselves entertained while Freddy is gone,” Christopher said. “Playing shows as Oncoming Traffic without Freddy isn’t the same. We did it last year a few times and it just wasn’t a very good feeling, so, in the meantime, we’ll be working on this new band. Also, Alan has been wanting to work on his project for a while. This is, essentially, Alan’s band, whereas Oncoming Traffic is Freddy’s band.”
Oncoming Traffic is planning on doing a Texas tour, which is tentativley schedueled for next summer. The Bermuda Triangle of Exploding Snails plans on doing just as they did with Oncoming Traffic, which is to keep practicing, book the shows they can, and see where it leads them.
“If you like indie rock and/or toilet humor, come check us out Sept 16 at Dean’s Credit Clothing!” Alan said.