10 Questions With Joshua Norris

Joshua Norris is a freshman.

Question: How is your freshman year going so far?

Answer: It’s been fun. I’ve met many new people and got to know the school better.

Q: What’s something you want to learn or be better at?

A: I want to be better at playing the trumpet.

Q: Who’s your favorite artist?

A: My favorite artist is Frank Ocean, and my favorite album by him is Blonde.

Q: What TV show are you currently watching?

A: I’m currently watching BoJack Horseman.

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: I like to go out with friends, play games, and spend quality time with my family.

Q: What is your favorite sport? 

A: My favorite sport to play is football, and my favorite player is Patrick Mahomes.

Q: What’s your biggest fear? 

A: My biggest fear is graduating because I’ll be on my own, and life is kind of scary.

Q: What country do you want to visit the most? 

A: I want to visit Japan because it seems like a beautiful place and it seems like it has a lot of tourist places to visit.

Q: What is your favorite fruit? 

A: I like apples. I like how sweet they are.

Q:  Do you believe in second chances? 

A: Yes, I think that everybody can redeem themselves.

Q: What’s something that you regret? 

A: I regret being too forgiving even when I know I shouldn’t have been.

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