10 Questions with Vahn Stout


Powering Through: As the AP Physics exam is scheduled for tomorrow, Junior Vahn Stout studies his textbook during Holocaust and Genocide. “It’s tomorrow and I have to study somehow,” Stout said.

Vahn Stout is a junior.

Question: Do you think you can live without your phone for a week?

Answer: Yes. I think I could live without my phone for a week.

Q: If you could change anything in the world, whether it be big or small, what would it be?

A: I would make it so that everyone can get higher amounts of education no matter the situation they are in. 

Q: What’s your favorite movie genre?

A: Probably fantasy because it pictures a life outside reality.

Q: What’s your favorite hobby?

A: I like to create machines like music boxes or create something for robotics. 

Q: What is one song you could listen to over and over again?

A: It would be Patron by Miyagi.

Q: What’s your favorite candy?

A: Mishka Kosolapy. It’s Russian chocolate.

Q: What is the weirdest food combination you’ve tried?

A: I think it would be mustard in soup. 

Q: Dogs or cats?

A: Definitely dogs.

Q: If you could be anyone you wanted to be, who would it be?

A: Johnny Depp. I don’t know; it was the only name I could think of. 

Q: Are you happy with where you are right now?

A: Ya.