Cadre UIL Prepares For Clinic

Photo by Yanna Hinojos

Run Through For Review: Actors Masoud Said, Chriss Doradea, and Actress Ianna Walker go over their scenes together working out any minor holes. With only minor adjustments made, they progress through their review with ease. Chriss Doradea states, “We have our first clinic this upcoming Monday, and we are excited to show what we have so far.”

The Cadre UIL team begins their week by preparing for a clinic on Monday, February 20 in San Jacinto. At the clinic, UIL will bring everything they will need for their play to a different school and perform it in front of judges. They will perform as if it were an actual UIL competition and will receive feedback, which they will account for and apply to the following clinic. To prepare, all actors are memorizing their lines and blocking, while the tech crew is taking care of sound cues, light cues, the set, props, and costumes. Aside from that, they’ll be running the entire class play again for the rest of the week to iron out any tiny flaws in the script.