Celebrating the End

This is the Kerr Paws logo that the members from the 2021-2022 school year voted on through Instagram. Although not as widely used as the simpler logo, Daniel Cobos says that its my favorite logo since  the members were allowed to be included in the decision making process.

This is the Kerr Paws logo that the members from the 2021-2022 school year voted on through Instagram. Although not as widely used as the simpler logo, Daniel Cobos says that “its my favorite logo since the members were allowed to be included in the decision making process.”

With the year at an end, Kerr Paws would like to thank its members for showing up to its few meetings this year. The club promises that it will become more active with the officers having greater experience with their positions.

The club’s financial advisor Noah Qualls would like to apologize for the delayed designing of the Kerr Paws T-shirt. He adds that the design will be produced and sold to members who are still interested.