Parents and students can receive information and advice about financial aid at Kerr’s financial aid night on Tuesday, November 29. It will start at 6:30 p.m. in the Kerr cafeteria.
Parents and students can receive information and advice about financial aid at Kerr’s financial aid night on Tuesday, November 29. It will start at 6:30 p.m. in the Kerr cafeteria.
This event will cover the different types of financial aid like scholarships, loans, grants, and work study. The advisers will inform students and parents about how those financial aids work and the overall process. Parents and students will also be notified about the FAFSA change. FAFSA is requiring people to fill out their tax forms online first and apply for their tax transcript two to three days later. More information on the FAFSA change will be available in the event. In addition, the IRS website help will be offered to parents and students.
For any questions or more information, feel free to contact counselor’s secretary Diane Barrett at ext. 263 or by email, [email protected]. She will also be available in the after school program in the science center.