Jeremy Vanley

“So I’ve been teaching in Alief for about for 10 years. Before that, I used to teach in the museum industry, so I worked for several children’s museums. But, I’ve been teaching kind of off and on in different ways for about 20 years,”
“ I really like the quality of the students. I feel like they’re very engaged and they’re very responsible and they take their schoolwork seriously, so that’s nice,”
“I swim a lot. I usually swim out three or four times a week. So that’s an important part of my life.
Ruthie Griffin

“I have been working with Alief for 26 years. I started off as a special education professional, and then I went into the administration building to work as a Sims clerk. And from there, I was the director of the We Care Program, which was a child care center that Ailef had to keep the staff’s children and from there to here to now,”
“I like the freedom that the students have to maneuver and trust that you’re going to do what they need to do. And as Ms Tones says, freedom comes responsibility. So I’m really enjoying seeing how the students maneuver around and do what they need to do,”
“Cricket machine is my best friend. I love doing things on my cricket machine. I love crafting,”
Alex Ortiz

“ I probably started in education about seven or eight years ago. I’ve always been a CTE teacher, well, except for my time in HISD when I was a media services specialist,”
“ I love the nature of the of the school, which is true to its motto, freedom and responsibility, giving the students the opportunity to sort of choose their own adventure. Putting it in video game terms, it’s something that I firmly believe in and something that I really, really like about this campus,”
“ I love bringing these things back to life and preserving them like, you know, from a historical standpoint. I play a lot of platformers, so things like Celeste Sonic the Hedgehog. Those have always been my go tos, they add a nice bit of challenge and are also just a lot of fun for me,”
Christopher Perkins

“I started teaching reading in 2004 at Galveston ISD,”
“At Kerr, I like how the kids are so focused and like how everybody is self paced and you all know how to stand on schedule and work very independently,”
“I love to fish and watch old movies,”
Myua Truong

“I started teaching physics in 2018 at Taylor High School,”
“I like that the students here have more freedom, and then you guys get to work at your own pace,”
“A hobby of mine is Tennis. I play Tennis. That’s all I do,”