Lesley Briones, during her time in the Harris County position, was able to place a new sidewalk; which used to be only grass which put students’ lives and education at risk only getting hit by a motor vehicle. Investing almost 20 Million Dollars around Sidewalk 4,
which connects to economic opportunities around the area and protects the Community, and builds new bike trials around the Alief community. YMCA has been a great help in being able to build these sidewalks, giving access to the community to their resources for the needy. This helps students be safer and have a better education being able to get to school much more easily and with less risk. Guilly Giermo, said ever since the sidewalks were placed the needs of the students were accomplished and done making it a much safer and easier and safe path to be able to bike and skateboard around the community. Angelina states that without the new side students’ shoes and materials would be at risk of getting ruined or destroyed even leading to a student getting sick by having wet socks, with the new sidewalk makes it safer and the students are less prone to getting sick.