10 Questions With Tracy Nguyen

Tracy Nguyen attends Kerr High School as a sophomore. She is balancing Broadcasting, Algebra 2, Chemistry, and Spanish 2 classes. She is also a victim of procrastination, and that is due to having long periods of days to turn in assignments. “No matter how hard I try to persuade myself to do my task before the deadline, it never happens. I gladly abandoned that aim and now attempt to accomplish it whenever I have time. It’s not something I’m proud of, and I’m still working on it, but it’s simply a part of my life experience,” Tracy adds as she tries to rationalize her procrastination.

Tracy Nguyen is a sophomore

Q: What’s the last nightmare you remember having?

A: The last nightmare I remember having was one where I was drowning in an off body of water.

Q: What does your last text say and what context?

A: The last text I received was concerning the questions for this interview. It reads “Tracy can I interview you for my beat 😀”

Q: What comes into mind when I say Kerr High School?

A: Something that comes into mind when I hear “Kerr high school” is procrastination. We have long due dates so it’s easy for every one of us to do all our assignments last minute.

Q: What are you listening to right now?

A: I am not currently listening to any music or anything as of right now.

Q: What’s your way in life?

A: I would consider my way in life as “life is what you make it. Appreciate what you have or aim for better”

Q: Which side of the family are you closer to?

A: I am not close to family but if I were to choose I would be closer to my dad’s side of the family as my mom’s side does not live here.

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: My favorite food is chicken Alfredo

Q: What makes you feel accomplished?

A: Something that makes me feel accomplished is getting to see my hard work pay off whether it’s an award or achievement.

Q: If you had a chance to take something home, what would it be?

A: If I had a chance to take something home it would be one of those smart boards that everyone has at Kerr. They are so cool and are just big touchscreen TV.

Q: What state would you live in If you were to move out of Texas?

A: If I were to move out of Texas I would hope to live somewhere in New York. New York has been idolized as a place where all dreams come true, so New York would definitely be somewhere I move.