A Crush on FBLA

Love is often times called a game, but for FBLA love means giving back. Members have been busy helping make and selling Crush packages to students. They will also be showing love to the senior citizens at West Oaks retirement home by hosting a bingo night and donating gifts on Wednesday, February 15. FBLA President Casey Nguyen said, “It’s a small community service project that would engage both communities.”

Valentine’s week has been packed for FBLA members as they’ve been busy preparing Crush packages, which include a Crush soda, candy, and a note. The packages were delivered on Valentine’s Day, February 14. FBLA has been actively advertising and packing these goodie boxes to be ready by the holiday. Also, to give back their love to the community, FBLA members have the opportunity to volunteer at West Oaks Retirement Home on Wednesday, February 15. They will be hosting a bingo night and donating gifts for senior citizens.