Kerr Speech and Debate Compete at AECHS

Photo by Kaima Brown-Nkemdirim

Members of the Kerr Speech and Debate team holding their recently-won tournament awards.

On November 4 and 5 last week, Kerr’s Speech and Debate team led by Coach Davis competed in two separate tournaments at Alief Early College High School.

These tournaments included a variety of events, with most of the team members doing Extemporaneous Congress, while a few partook in Interpretation/Speech events, and Lincoln-Douglas debates. The other two events: World Schools Policy debates, and the Public Forum debates were all team events.

Nobody on the Kerr Speech and Debate team placed on the November 4 tournament, but the entire team won second place in the Novice World School Policy debate, while in the Extemporaneous Congress event, Sophomore Nyla Whiteside won first place.