10 Questions with Nethula Harasgama

Nethula Harasgama modeling for Photojournalism students.

Question: What is the worst aspect of growing older? Answer: The worst thing about getting older is having more responsibilities.

Q: What does a self-care day look like for you?

A: My self-care day is staying up late watching Bollywood movies until 3 A.M.

Q: When did you feel the proudest of yourself?

A: I felt the proudest of myself when I got a perfect score on my math final.

Q: What are your top 3 priorities?

A: My grades, my family, and my religion.

Q: What’s something you can talk about for hours?

A: I can talk about movies for hours.

Q: Is there a quote you live by?

A: “The stars are always shining even when the sky is pitch black.” This quote means to me that there are people in my life who are always guiding me, my stars, even when I am at my lowest point.

Q: What do you stress about the most?

A: I stress the most about schoolwork.

Q: What advice would you give to your younger self?

A: Take school more seriously

Q: What is something controversial that you agree with?

A: I believe that some people deserve all the horrible things that came their way and even more.

Q: If you could go back in time and go to any other school, would you still choose to come to Kerr?

A: Yes, because I met some amazing people.