Planning for college and career is part of the process in high school. For some students, the path ahead is clear, while others are still trying to figure out what they want to do.

“I dream of becoming a nurse because in a previous life experience, I was hospitalized and my favorite nurse left a huge impact on me. He was down to earth as he looked after my health and emotional needs. He took the time to listen and get know my personality better. I felt so intrigued and inspired by his actions as a nurse, which contributes to why I want to become a nurse just like him.”

“Someday I would like to be a pharmacist because I’m interested in medicine and the world is always in need of more pharmacists. Focusing in the medical field, I’m preparing myself by taking AP Chemistry and I plan to take more classes such as Honors Anatomy and AP Biology in my senior year. I truly believe that these classes will help me advance on becoming a pharmacist.”

“I would like to pursue architect because I am interested in designing. To help prepare myself for architecture, I plan on taking more math courses such as Calculus and AP Statistics.”

“I am looking towards nursing at the moment because I enjoy working with people and knowing that I can help them in anyway and that I can make life just the bit better. As nursing is in the medical field, I’m preparing myself by taking Honors Anatomy in high school while continuing my education at the University of Houston. Hopefully, majoring in Biology and taking any classes necessary will get me to where I want to be.”