Finals this term will be on Thursday, December 14, and Friday, December 15. Both days are will be regular school days, with no early release.
Thursday will be first and fourth period finals. Second and third periods will be regular class periods, but they will start and end at slightly different times: second period from 9:50-10:40 AM and third period 10:45 AM-12:25 PM. A lunch will be 10:45-11:30 AM and B lunch from 11:40 AM-12:25 PM.
Friday will be second and fourth period finals, but the schedule will be slightly different. First period exams will begin at 7:45 AM and second period begins at 8:50 AM, but fourth period will follow at 10:45 AM. A lunch for Art, Social Studies, Computer Science, Theater, Science and English will be 10:45-11:30 AM and B lunch for Journalism, Business, Music, Speech, Foreign Language, PE, Health from 11:40 AM-12:25 PM. Third period exams will begin at 12:30 PM.
The exemption policy and procedures have also changed for this year. This term the exemption eligibility requirements are:
- You must be passing a regular class with an 85 or higher and a Pre-Ap or Ap with an 80 in order to exempt the class.
- You cannot have more than two absences or tardies in the class which exemption is requested
- You cannot have more than two referrals and your exemption will be disregard if you were written a referral for cheating.
- School business absences do not count against the student.
Freshmen can only exempt a class second and fourth term.
Sophomores can exempt a class each term.
Juniors can exempt one class first and third term and can exempt two classes second and fourth term.
Seniors can exempt two classes first and third term and can exempt all four classes second and fourth term.
Exemption forms will be pre-printed for students who are eligible to exempt and are due back to the advisory teacher, not the front office, Dec. 12.