Of the several clubs and organizations at Kerr High School, Student Council is the of the most unique in many ways. President Jannelly Areche explains the purpose and meaning behind Student Council.
“Student Council is a national organization that focuses on improving and educating communities and schools. Since Kerr is a non-traditional high school, our student council also focuses on bringing back some aspects of a traditional high school like the Homecoming Dance” said Areche.
Student Council, like other clubs, has several events planned for the year.
“We have many events and projects Throughout the year relating to the environment, drug and alcohol awareness, teacher appreciation, and community service. One of our main ways to fund for all of these projects is the Homecoming dance. This year, Student Council is partnering with Donate Life Texas at the state level to raise awareness for organ donation and increase the number of registered donors within Texas. As part of this project, Student Council will be hosting a second dance in the spring with all the proceeds going to Donate Life Texas” said Areche.
The officers are:
Jannelly Areche; Vice President; Crystal Nguyen; Secretary: Kieu To; Parliamentarian: Lexi Nguyen; Treasurer: Annie Huynh; Historian: Henrietta Barreto
Sponsors: Angie Andrews and Jennifer Trammel
“Everyone is in Stu [dent]Co[uncil]. To join officially, students should attend any meeting and pick up a point sheet. To be active, students must complete activities that award points and reach a minimum number of points depending on grade level”