With the recent approval of Alief ISD’s bond proposal, there has been an enormous expansion planned of the fine arts program in Alief. One of these expansions consists of a new Kerr fine arts center, which will be constructed by May of 2016.
The new fine arts building will cost approximately $14 million out of the Alief bond budget.
The fine arts building addition will consist of a 350-seat theatre, a green room, a dressing room, an orchestra room, a choir room, two art classrooms, and art display cases in the main lobby.
There have been many problems with space for students taking fine arts classes, such as several art students working on the hallways, a cast of seventy students in one black box theatre with only fifty seats, or a band and orchestra class sharing rehearsal space. Nonetheless, such an addition will promote the fine arts program and will create drastic improvements for students participating in band, orchestra, art, and theatre arts.