The Kerronicle newspaper staff is selling Valentine’s Day Shout-Outs. These shout-outs are personalized messages that will be in the next issue of The Kerronicle, coming out before Valentine’s Day.
Each purchase of a shout-out is $5. Each shout-out cannot exceed 25 words. Shout-outs that include a small photo is $6.
Obtain an order form from any Kerronicle staff member. Please have necessary payment ready at the time of order. Here are the schedules of the staff members:
Amy Haokip: Newspaper, Miller Study Hall, AP Economics, AP Literature
Yen Tran: Newspaper, AP Calculus, Economics, AP Chemistry
Diana Vu: Newspaper, AP Calculus, AP Economics, Gendron Study Hall
Yazan Abuashour: Newspaper, Geometry, Ceramics, English II
Camille Nguyen: Newspaper, Orchestra, AP Literature, AP Environmental Science
Order forms must be returned to any staff member by Thursday Feb. 5. No late orders and forms will be accepted after this date. For more information, visit Room 302 during first period or see any Kerronicle staff member.