Fall Intramurals will begin with a dodgeball tournament to kick off the season. This year, though, the procedures for forming teams has changed.
Rather than students choosing their own teams, campus organizations will get the first opportunity to form teams and sign up.
The adult sponsors of each organization (band, NHS, Korean Club, etc) can now form a team and designate a student as team captain. To secure their spot in the tournament, that captain needs to bring to Mr. Miller a note with the name of the organization, the team captains name, and the sponsors signature no later than 3 pm on Monday, September 15.
Beginning Tuesday, advisories will be allowed to form teams and only after these teams have been formed can independent teams be chosen. The first games will be held on Tuesday, September 23.
Captains will need to submit 10 person rosters by noon on Monday, September 22. Students can only be on one team.
For more information, see distance education director Tommy Miller or visit the physical education coaches in the gym.